Thursday, August 23, 2007

Week 7 Tagging, Techrorait and stuff

ummm !!!
I'm caught between wanting to please Donna nd complete 23 Things before I leave next week and wanting to take more time and enjoy the learning experience.
i've heard people talking about and know i think I know what it does. It's all about making order of your 'favourites' and beings able to access them anywhere you log on.
Can imagine that people who spend a great deal of time researching on the web would find this really useful. The more you delve into 23 things the more I realise how much there is to learn. Soooo much information .
Often wondered how you located blogs. Now I know.
What does Library 2.0 mean to me - more information than I can absorb, Exciting to be part of the next generations way of doing things. Challenging but fun.

Monday, August 13, 2007

I'm won on Skype

Not such a bad things this Skype. I figure that Karyn and I could use it quite a bit. Certianly while the phones are causing us grief.

The photo is of Jessica Sophie. Jessica is Colin's latest grandaughter so I consider myself an almost Nana.

Doesn't get much bettter than this.